All types of diabetes mellitus have similar symptoms and complications at the level of information. Hiperglisemia itself can cause dehydration and ketoasidosis. Long-term complications, including diseases kardiovaskular (double the risk), chronic kidney failure (the main dialisis), retina damage that can cause blindness, and nerve damage that can cause impotensi and gangren risk concision. Complications are more common when the more serious control blood sugar bad.

World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes three forms of diabetes mellitus, namely type 1, type 2, diabetes and gestasional (occurs during pregnancy)
- Diabetes mellitus type 1
To date, the type 1 diabetes can not be prevented. Diet and exercise can not cure or prevent type 1 diabetes. Most people with type 1 diabetes have the health and body weight is good when the disease began in his su

The cause of most of the loss of beta cells in type 1 diabetes is an error that the reaction autoimunitas pancreas beta cells. Autoimunitas reaction can be triggered by an infection in the body.
Currently, type 1 diabetes can only be treated with insulin use, with the precise control of blood glucose levels through a blood test monitoring tools. Medicine basic type 1 diabetes, even though the earliest stages, is replacement of insulin. Without insulin, ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis can cause coma and even death can result. Emphasis is also given on lifestyle adjustments (diet and sports). Apart from the injection in general, are also possible through the provision of insulin pump, which allows for the provision of inputs insulin 24 hours a day at the dose level that has been determined, also made possible the dose (a bolus) of insulin that is required at the time to eat. And also for the possible entry of insulin through the “inhaled powder.”
Treatment type 1 diabetes must take hold. Treatment will not affect the normal activities if sufficient awareness, appropriate care, and discipline in the examination and treatment is started. Glucose level of the average for type 1 diabetes patients should be as close as possible to the normal number (80-120 mg / dl, 4-6 mmol / l).
Some doctors suggest up to 140-150 mg / dl (7-7.5 mmol / l) for those with problems with the lowest. such as frequent hypoglycemic events.
Figures above 200 mg / dl (10 mmol / l) are often followed by a feeling of comfort and do not dispose of water that is too small so that often cause dehydration.
Figures above 300 mg / dl (15 mmol / l) usually require treatment as soon as possible and can lead to ketoasidosis.
Blood glucose level is low, which is called hypoglycemia, can cause convulsions or loss of consciousness often.

- Diabetes mellitus type 2
At the initial stage abnormalitas the most is the reduced sensitivity to insulin, which is marked with increased insulin content in the blood.
At this stage, hiperglikemia above can in many ways and Anti Diabetes Drugs that can increase sensitivity to insulin or reduce the production of glucose hepar, but the more severe disease, with insulin therapy and sometimes required.
There are several theories of the causes and mechanism of a certain resistance, but central Obesity (fat concentrated around the waist in relation to abdominal organs, it seems not, subcutaneous fat) is known as a factor predisposisi of a resistance to insulin, may be in connection with the expenditure of adipokines (its a group of hormones) that damage the glucose tolerance. abdominal fat is hormonally especially aktip. Obesity found in approximately 90% of patients developed world conclude with type 2 diabetes. Other factors may include family history and brood, even in the decades is one] end of [that] has continued to increase start to affect teenagers and children.
Type 2 diabetes may go unnoticed for years in a patient [before / in front of] the diagnostic results [as / when] the visible symptoms are typical of soft or does not exist, without ketoacidotic, and can be sporadic .. However, the difficulties that can be caused by provoking unnoticed type 2 diabetes, including failure associated with kidney disease who vaskuler (including carotid disease / heart attack the main road), the vision sabotage, and other
Type 2 diabetes usually, initially, treated with a change in physical activity (usually increase), diet (usually a reduction in carbohydrate Feed), and through reduction in body weight.
This endeavor can return hormone insulin sensitivity, even when the weight loss / burden is modest, for example, around 5 kg (10 to 15 lb), most especially when it is in the deposits of abdominal fat. The next step, if necessary, treatment with oral [antidiabetic drugs. [As / When / For] hormone insulin production in the first treatment is unimpaired, oral (often used in combination) cans still be used to increase the production of hormone insulin (eg, sulfonylureas), and set the release / release that are not appropriate on glucose by liver {and low retaliation hormone insulin to a certain extent (eg, metformin)}, and at the bottom of reckoning rarefy hormone insulin (eg, thiazolidinediones).
If this fails, the hormone insulin medicine will be required to maintain normal or near normal glucose levels.
A orderly way of life that checks on blood glucose is recommended in many cases, most particularly and most necessary when taking medication.
- Diabetes mellitus gestasional
That flowers,during pregnancy and may improve or disappear after delivery fleet.
Although passengers may be temporary, gestational diabetes can devastate the health of the fetus or the mother, and about 20% -50% of women with gestational diabetes flowers; a type 2 diabetes and in life.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) occurs in approximately 2% -5% of all pregnancies. That is a temporary and full treatment but can not be treated, can cause problems with pregnancy, including macrosomia (high birth weight), the form of a deformed fetus issues and heart disease since birth. That requires careful control of the medical throughout pregnancy.
Fetal / neonatal risks associated with GDM include birth anomaly, such as dealing with the heart, nerves of the central system, and [as / when / because] the form of muscle deficiency. Improved hormone insulin matters fetus may prevent distress syndrome and surfactant production of things that relate respiratory fetus. Hyperbilirubinemia can be caused by destruction of red blood cells. In the case of a nettle, perinatal death may occur, most commonly as a result of the abundance of weak placental / poor in connection with the destruction / weakening of vaskuler.
Induction / appointment may be reduced with the placental function. Cesarean section may be marked distress if things fetus or an increased risk of loss associated with macrosomia, such as shoulder dystocia.
The classic triad of diabetes symptoms is polyuria (frequent urination that), polydipsia (increased thirst and fluid as a result of input improved) and polyphagia (improved taste). Symptoms can breed; a really fast set printed 1, particularly in children (days or weeks) but may be difficult to fully separated or absent & & mdash; as well as expand; a far more slowly & mdash; set to print 2. Is set to print 1 [in / to] there may also be weight loss / load (in addition to the normal or increased eating) and the fatigue that is not may be more.
Symptoms may also come into this set printed 2 diabetes in the diabetes patient who is to be less good. Symptoms associated with the first direct effect of blood sugar is high. If the blood sugar up above 160-180 mg / dl, the glucose will be up to the water urine. If the measure is high, the kidneys remove extra water to dilute the amount of glucose lost. Because the kidneys produce urine in the amount of water is excessive, then the patient often the urine in the number of lots (poliuri).
Poliuri due to the people who feel thirsty to drink excessively so many (polidipsi).
A large amount of calories to lose water in urine, the patient experienced a decrease in body weight. To this overcompensation’s people often feel hungry, so extraordinary that many meals (polifagi).
Symptoms are vague views, dizziness, nausea, and reduced resilience during the conduct of sports. People with diabetes who are more or less sensitive to infection.
Because of the lack of insulin, then before the treatment of type I diabetes is almost always a drop weight. Most people with type II diabetes did not experience a decrease in body weight.
In the type I diabetics, the symptoms occur suddenly and can quickly develop into a situation that called ketoasidosis diabetikum. Sugar in the blood is high because most of the cells can not use sugar without insulin, the cells take this energy from other sources. Parsed and fat cells produce keton, which is a toxic chemical compound that can cause blood to become acid (ketoasidosis). Early symptoms of ketoasidosis diabetikum is feeling thirsty and berkemih excessive, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches and tired (especially in children). Inhalation in a fast and because the body tries to improve blood acidity. Tercium breath smell like the smell of aseton.
Without treatment, ketoasidosis diabetikum can develop into coma, sometimes within just a few hours.
Even after the start insulin therapy, type I diabetics can experience ketoasidosis if they pass a one-time injector insulin or stress due to infection,accident or a serious illness.
People with type II diabetes may not show symptoms several years. If the severe lack of insulin, the timbullah symptoms often include often feel thirsty. Ketoasidosis rare. If blood sugar is very high (up to more than 1,000 mg / dl, usually caused stress, such as infection or drugs), then people will experience serious dehydration, which can cause mental confusion, dizziness, convulsions and a condition called coma hiperglikemik-hiperosmolar non-ketotik.
Symptoms associated with the first direct effect of blood sugar is high. If the blood sugar up above 160-180 mg / dl, the glucose will be up to the water urine. If the measure is high, the kidneys remove extra water to dilute the amount of glucose lost. Because the kidneys produce urine in the amount of water is excessive, then the patient often berkemih in the number of lots (poliuri).
Poliuri due to the people who feel thirsty to drink excessively so many (polidipsi).
A large amount of calories to lose water in urine, the patient experienced a decrease in body weight. To this overcompensation’s people often feel hungry, so extraordinary that many meals (polifagi).
Symptoms are vague views, dizziness, nausea, and reduced resilience during the conduct of sports. People with diabetes who are more or less sensitive to infection.
Because of the lack of insulin, then before the treatment of type I diabetes is almost always a drop weight. Most people with type II diabetes did not experience a decrease in body weight.
In the type I diabetics, the symptoms occur suddenly and can quickly develop into a situation that called ketoasidosis diabetikum. Sugar in the blood is high because most of the cells can not use sugar without insulin, the cells take this energy from other sources. Parsed and fat cells produce keton, which is a toxic chemical compound that can cause blood to become acid (ketoasidosis). Early symptoms of ketoasidosis diabetikum is feeling thirsty and hauberk’s excessive, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches and tired (especially in children). Inhalation in a fast and because the body tries to improve blood acidity. Tercium breath smell like the smell of aseton. Without treatment, ketoasidosis diabetikum can develop into coma, sometimes within just a few hours.
Even after the start insulin therapy, type I diabetics can experience ketoasidosis if they pass a one-time penyuntikan insulin or stress due to infection,accident or a serious illness.
People with type II diabetes may not show symptoms several years. If the severe lack of insulin, the ambulating symptoms often include often feel thirsty. Ketoasidosis rare. If blood sugar is very high (up to more than 1,000 mg / dl, usually caused stress, such as infection or drugs), then people will experience serious dehydration, which can cause mental confusion, dizziness, convulsions and a condition called coma hiperglikemik-hiperosmolar non-ketotik.
Diabetes and fasting
Patients are restrained enough to eat only with difficulty, if not fast. Patients with a relatively restrained drug dose did not have difficulties to fast. Drugs given during the fasting are not fasting. For a restrained with oral medication hipoglikemik (OHO) high dose, the dose of drugs given before are not fasting more than the dose sahur. To use the insulin, insulin used the medium term given current are not fasting only. Meanwhile, patients who must use insulin (DMTI) multiple doses, it is recommended not to fast in Ramadan.
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